Confidence should be based on observed reality. It should be based on the achievement of performance goals: you should be confident that you will perform up to your current abilities. Good self-confidence comes from a realistic expectation of success based on well practiced physical skills, a good knowledge of the sport, and respect for your own competence, adequate preparation and good physical condition. The success attained should be measured in terms of achievement of personal performance goals, not achievement goals such as winning.
Where you are under confident, you will commonly suffer from fear of failure, self-doubt, lack of concentration and negative thinking. Often you many find yourself blaming yourself for faults that lie elsewhere. These will damage your flow and disrupt your enjoyment of sport. Here you should use suggestion, visualization and effective goal-setting to improve your self-confidence and self-image.
Overconfidence is dangerous – it can lead you into situations which you do not have the ability to get out of. It can set you up for serious failure that can devastate the self-confidence you should have. Overconfidence is confidence that is not based on ability: it may be a result of misleading or pushy parents or coaches trying to help you without understanding your abilities, may be caused by vanity or ego, or may be caused by positive thinking or imagery which is not backed up by ability.